{{ isshow ? '详情收起' : '详情展开' }} 去查看 会员免费领取 约12页 pdf 发布于2024-02-29 作者: 出版日期: 出版社: Electrical Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, 48512 Tehran, Tehran Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 1983963113 (e-mail: a.hajihoseini@gmail.com);Electrical Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, 48512 Tehran, Tehran Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 1983969411 (e-mail: a_ghorashi@sbu.ac.ir);Engineering, King's College London - Strand Campus, 4616 London, London,City of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland WC2B 4B (e-mail: yangzhaohui@seu.edu.cn);Department of Engineering, King's College London, London, London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (e-mail: m.sbahaei@kcl.ac.uk); 思维导图: 点击这里查看思维导图 标签: {{item.tagName}} ai标签: {{description}} {{content}} 剩余{{ unReadPage }}页未读, 继续阅读 免费下载: ¥{{payAmount}} 0元